More information

Got the UPS information package today so here are a few more details about our cutie based on an assessment in March of this year.  She is healthy and already has 8 teeth.  She is small – only 72 cm tall weighing in at 18 pounds 7 ounces.  She appears to be on a diet similar to the one I will be on in China – rice, rice, rice, congee with a little fish or meat.  No wonder she is so tiny.

Developmentally she does not appear to be where Katrine was at the same age which is not surprising.  She has at least 10 words, crawls, stands, walks holding a hand, tears paper.  She can put things into and outof a cup and bang things together.  She does not yet stack blocks and it appears as if she has never seen a book or crayons.  That will change soon enough.

They also told us that she is very energetic and likes to be outdoors.  Plus she is extroverted.  Sound like another daughter?

It looks like we are going to be a family of early risers.  The orphange has the kids getting up at 6:00am and going to bed at 8:00pm with a 1 1/2 to 2 hour nap around lunch.  The nap in the middle of the day will be good once we get home because she will be awak for the arrival of Katrine’s bus from school.  I can’t imagine how she is not a total crank keeping those hours.  It must be the long nap.  I think that mommy will have to nap with her.

There you have it.  That is our Elspeth in a nutshell.