Thornhill Fun Skate – Part 2

Today it was back to Thornhill Community Center.  This time to cheer on Elspeth.  She woke up super excited that it was her day to skate.  That excitement lasted until about 10 minutes after she got off the ice.  Then she was tired (as you can see in the photos).  Once her snack kicked in she was back to her happy self.  She was also quite pleased to have a new ribbon for her board…although, she did object to the fact that it was not pink. She also competed in a new skating outfit because she actually grew out of the one that I made for her (see post on Winter Glitters from January).  I think that she looks right cute in this dress though.


Thornhill Fun Skate – Part 1

Our first visit to the competition was Friday for Katrine.  So, this is her post.  She had a lot of fun and came in fifth.  We were very proud of her (as you can see in the photo).

At dinner, she drew a picture of herself skating in her dress for the judges.  It was pretty cute.

Back to the arena tomorrow morning for Elspeth’s skate.

Elspeth on Safari

A local mall hosted Safari Jeff again this year.  My mother in law and I decided to take Elspeth.  Nothing like seeing real animals up close to encourage more language development (oh, it is cool to see them too).  Well, we had a lot of fun.  I will let the photos tell the tale of our mall safari.

Mom, are these the only animals?  Yah know, fake bugs are the best kind.

Okay.  Me and the sheep family are ready for the show.  Bring on some animals.

She got to see this guy stick out his long tongue and eat a bug. 

Then came the super fun part – Face Painting!

Everyone else was getting butterflies, tigers or spiders.  Elspeth?  She asked for a dinosaur.  The girl had to google some suggestions but it turned out AWESOME!

Did you notice that the dinosaur opens it’s mouth whenever Elspeth does?  It was actually fun watching her eat her lunch.

Junior Kindergarten

Can you believe it?  This child is heading to Junior Kindergarten in the fall?  I know this for a fact because I went and registered her this morning.  Standing there filling in all of the forms I felt like turning and walking out.  I mean, how can she be ready for school when I have only held her for a year and a half?  Nevertheless, off to school she will go.

When I walked in to the main office the nice lady behind the counter looked at both girls and asked me what grade I was here to register for.  I replied JK.

“Oh, you know that children need to be born in 2009 in order to start JK this fall.”

“Trust me, I know.”

“Oh, so she was born in 2009?”

“Yep.  She is just dinky.  Probably be the smallest kid in all of JK next year.”

We celebrated Elspeth’s registration with lunch out with Glenn’s mom.  The girls adore spending time with their Grammy and she them.  Then we got stuff for the upstairs fish tank (but that is another post) before coming home to work on our dragon (yet another post).  Then I declared that I was done.  My whiplash is improving overall but as you can see I am struggling with limits.  I seem to just go and then the moment I stop is when I notice the pain.  This past weekend we were at a skating competition (yet another post) and were standing much of the day so Sunday brought quite a bit of pain.  I thought that by taking a break this afternoon I might avoid a similar fate tomorrow.  WELL…Katrine got a new make up kit from her Grammy today and while I was resting she and Elspeth, as you can see, had some fun.

Gotta love big sisters and their creativity and also little sisters and their agreeability!

Happy Birthday!

I have to admit, I love my birthday.  I also love celebrating everyone else’s birthdays too.  This past week has been a very interesting but ultimately fun birthday.  I did not have my usual skating party with friends because I am still coping with the after effects of whiplash.  I am usually good and can get through the day with the help of pain killers and caffeine (I am not sleeping so well).

We spent the first weekend of 2013 up at my parents enjoying their ample supply of snow with some snowmen, a bit of backyard sledding and Glenn & Katrine went skiing.

I was feeling a bit sad because it took all of my will power to crawl around in the snow helping to fill pails to create the snow pair and push the girls on the wee hill.  No skiing for me. :(  Well, didn’t my parents turn it around.  A special dinner, gifts and GF cake!  Who can feel down when there is cake?

My actual birthday was wonderful. I went for lunch with Elspeth and my fabulous mother in law before enjoying dinner at home.  It was great to watch how excited both of the girls were for my birthday this year.  Katrine loves celebrating things and has always been enthusiastic which is wonderful to enjoy.  Last year Elspeth watched but this year she participated.  All day she was like, “It mama birthday.  I give surprise toe nail polish.  You do my toe nails?”  Okay, she still has to work on the concept of what constitues a surprise but at least she was eager to celebrate.

The gift theme this year was chocolate (oh, and nail polish).  Mmmmm.  Chocolate tea, chocolate soap, chocolate lip gloss, chocolate coloured drapes 🙂 and of course chocolate cake.  It smellt SOOOO good.  Then to top it off the girls made cards which were adorable.  Katrine made hers pop-up while Elspeth managed to copy To mama and print the current version of her name.  I love my girls.


Did I mention that I got chocolate cake?  Yes?  Well this was a particularly awesome cake.  First, Glenn made it as a surprise.  Second, it has a half pound of butter and 6 eggs so that alone should make it delicious.  Third, devil’s food cake.  Fourth, it is absolutely adorable.  Glenn made me a gigantic cupcake cake.  As you can see, I could hardly wait to dig in. (Oh and my new scarf was a Mama T creation)

So here I am, 39 and proud.  I have enjoyed every year and earned every wrinkle.  I can hardly wait to see what this year will hold.



Christmas Eve Catch-up

Just realised how far behind I was in updating so here goes:

Elspeth’s nursery school hosted a ‘Cocoa Party’ one afternoon last week.  The girls were quite happy to decorate a cookie (Katrine ate all of hers while Elspeth just picked off the candies), drink hot chocolate (Elspeth actually just poked at the floating marshmallows and giggled) and eat treats.  Me?  I was thrilled to get a photo of all of us together!

We celebrated Christmas at my brother and sister in laws two weeks ago and it was a blast -yummy food, great company, and decorated sheep.  I suppose everyone loves to be festively dressed on special occassions.

For said celebration I was asked to bring dessert.  My mom had mentioned seeing a photo of cupcakes in mason jars in a magazine.  Well , I figured that I should do something creative and designed a mental picture of a beautifully stacked red, white and green cupcake jar of yumminess.  Hmmm.  Didn’t work out quite as I had invisioned.  Funny thing is, just saw on the cover of a magazine while waiting at the check out that they had instructions for making….red, white and green cupcakes in jars!  The featured cupcakes looked just like my vision.  Sigh.

Although Katrine is taking a break from the ice, I had Elspeth out the skating trail this past week.  One time her beloved blanket sheep had to accompany us and skate.

Yesterday we went to celebrate Christmas with Glenn’s extended family.  It was fabulous.  The girls have been blessed with a great group of cousins once removed (?)/second cousins (?).  Anyways, for five hours there was laughter, play and smiles.  Plus, Glenn and I got to partake in adult conversation and get caught up.

Today we will be cleaning and doing some last minute prep before heading out to church.  Then it is set up for Santa which is a big deal for me as I know that Katrine’s days of believing in Santa are quickly ticking away so I want to treasure it while I still can.  Then tomorrow and the next day will be Christmas present chaos.  Then Thursday is the big day with the neurologist.

That pretty much brings you up to date.  Have a great Christmas if you are celebrating and if not, enjoy the little bit of snow that we actually have thus far.

Adventures in cooking class

I have been able to take Elspeth to cooking class the last two weeks because they have not  made anything gluteny.  It is nice to see her learning by doing and then enjoying the fruits of her labour.  She has a great time; can’t you tell?

She made cheesy apple melts and fruity coleslaw last week.  The highlight of which was getting to cut and cut and cut until everything was practically diced.  Great week!

This week apple mock-tinis, apple cookie pizza and stuffed apples were on the menu.  She had fun.  The class started off well…

Looks yummy doesn’t it?  All of the chocolate-apple-cinnamoness topped with caramel sauce simply had to taste great as did her mock-tini.  Elspeth finished the class enjoying her apple stuffed with cheese, sunflower seeds and raisins.  Yippee!

Didn’t need lunch because she ate it all (not exactly balanced but oh well).  There was however, an unfortunate mishap on route to the creation of this edible delight.  It involved an apple and a corer.  Oh, and  my thumb as well as a trip to emerg.  Luckily I didn ‘t need stitches (lucky me, I had pretty much sliced the skin clean off so there wasn’t anything to stitch) but I do have a pretty inpressive bandage right now.

Now no need to worry.  Katrine had her skating competition simulation tonight and even with the bandage I was able to do reasonably good hair.  Thank you to Ashley (her coach) for tieing her skates. :-)   Another special thank you to my hero of the day – my wonderful mother-in-law.  She came right away when I called.  Went to the ER and kept Elspeth entertained for almost two hours while I was being taken care of.  Helped fasten and unfasten car seats, containers, bobby pins and snaps.  Mom, you rock. 🙂


Back to Nature

We were thrilled to be invited back up to Glenn’s sister’s cottage this weekend.  With better weather we not only managed to stay dry but had a few more adventures.

1. A butterfly hunt.  As you can see below, not only did the girls go and find butterflies that their aunt had hung from trees around the cottage but they also had a blast decorating themselves with them too.  Gotta love a game which can be enjoyed in multiple forms.

2.  Frog hunting. Our original plan last weekend (which got rained out) was to not only go to the cottage but attend the local fair.  At said fair, the girls were going to enter the frog contest – biggest frog, ugliest frog, longest jump; before re-releasing said frogs.  You’d think that with all of the moisture it would have been easy to find two frogs.  Nope.  They were smart and stayed hidden.  So here we were with two decorated bug catchers and nothing inside (hey, two girls, we decorate everthing).  As you can see, only one litte frog (toad actually) was found.  After a brief stay in her plastic home, Toad-ette was freed.  Elspeth had a more eclectic display in her catcher.  It captures the essence of her many walks in the woods.  The only thing that fascinated her which was not included were mushrooms.

3. Mushrooms. Of course, Katrine had to go on her traditional mushroom hunt thereby introducing her sister to the fascinating world of fungus.  With a two year old the hunt goes like this:  “Mama, mushroom!”  “No, sweetie fern.”  “Mushroom!”  “No darling, dirty stone.”  “Mushroom! Mushroom!”  “Yes, that is a gill mushroom.”  Maybe it is time to show her Katrine’s mushroom photo album.

4. Haliburton County Fair. To make up for having missed the fair last weekend on account of pouring rain, we drove over to the fair in Minden on Saturday.  It was alot like the fair that we will be going to in September for my nephew’s birthday – FUN!  The handicraft and children’s exhibits were excellent.  I am always amaxed at the obvious time and effort put into the various entries.  Then you look at the children’s entries and are blown away by the creativity.  Katrine was really interested in the vegetable entries; particularly the huge zucchinnis while Elspeth really enjoyed looking at the sheep.  There was a display put on by the army and both girls climbed up onto the tank.  Katrine was blown away by all of the technology inside (gadget girl).  Elspeth got up and got scared but didn’t want to come down.  So, of course when Glenn lifted her down there was a kicking, screaming tantrum much to the soldiers amusement.  Of course, as with any fair, you have to top it off with some ice cream.

5. Fishing. Okay, if you read last week’s post, you will know that Elspeth is a speed fisher.  Mama baits hook, Baba casts, Elspeth reels like it is a race and is then confused that there is no fish on the hook.  Well, this week her aunt and Grammy found the perfect rod for her which might just allow her to final catch something…if she can manage to stand still while holding it.  She got a few nibbles but Katrine landed the catch of the day.  I will let the photo tell the tale but she was thrilled.


Black Creek

(My last up date, I promise that I am now up to date!)

I just like this photo.

Katrine will be studying pioneers in social studies this coming year.  In preparation (yes, I know throughly Heather), we have been reading the first three Little House books (accompanied with ALOT of discussions about how pioneers lived but also how times and views have rightly changed…some pretty heavy discussions have stemmed from these books).  Thought it would be great to provide a text to world connection for Katrine by visiting our local heritage village (wow, I really am a teacher aren’t I?).  So today we packed up ourselves and our Grammy and headed out to spend the day wandering around exploring the world of pioneers.

"No Elspeth. We should go this way."

I must admit that I was a bit concerned about how the day would unfold for Elspeth.  Would she be overwhelmed by the differentness of the place -wooden buildings, animals, people dressed funny? Or, would she take it in stride?  The truth was somewhere between the two.  I spent a good deal of time carrying my little one around thanking my stars that she is so dainty.  From the safety of my arms, she eagerly looked at the carpenter using the table saw, the wheels turning loudly in the mill and the tin smith banging away to create punched squares.  Her favourite parts were watching the horse drawn carriage roll by and exploring in the hands on section (as you can see below).  All in all, she behaved much better than anticipated. 😮


"Look Mama, we build a log cabin and Elspeth can actually fit through the door."

Katrine also had a great time (which I expected as we have been once before when she was quite a bit younger).  What surprised me were the number of connections that she made between what we saw and had read.  I mean, I had hoped she would make a few connections herself but had anticipated that I would spend a great deal of time pointing out said connections.  What a pleasant surprise it was to see her not only making connections independently but also to see the excitement on her face as the books and history can alive inside her mind.

Oh, I think that the highlights of the day were spending time with Grammy (who, having grown up on a farm, without electricity until highschool, had great, first hand insight into a number of things we saw today) and getting a candy stick at the end of the day.

Christmas: Rounds 1 & 2

Happy Santa Day!  Have you been good?  The girls (aka Katrine worrying for both of them) are keeping their fingers crossed that they made it onto the nice list.  We also spent the last two days baking cookies to make sure that we had enough sweet stuff to tempt the big guy.  On the plus side, Katrine went to sleep super quickly tonight, or at least pretended to.

The picture of concentration
I think those sprinkles were suppose to go on the cookies.










Round 1:

Last night was Elspeth’s first real taste of the Christmas tradition of celebrating family.  Glenn’s side of the family got together at his sister’s house for a nice dinner, awesome cookies provided by the other Heather, gifts and family.  The dinner and drinks were a hit with the grown ups, while Katrine loved her aunt’s white chocolate peppermint bark. Elspeth spent a good portion of the beginning of the evening fretting about their small shitzu.  Now Casey is a sweetie who loves to play.  The worst thing she could possibly do is lick you to death.  Just the same Elspeth could not be far enough away from her.  All through dinner she was checking under the table to make sure that she wasn’t lurking there or climbing into my lap for comfort at the hint of a bark (great for bonding though).  Katrine is not a big fan of dogs as you all know.  When she was younger she was quite scared of them, especially big ones but upon meeting Casey her fear has become managable.  She can now tolerate most dogs and refuses to let them get in the way of her fun.  Elspeth’s reaction to dogs makes young Katrine look like a dog lover.  She loves the concept of dogs when they are wayyyyy down the block or squishy stuffed animals just not when they are alive and within a two house width radius of her.  Then terror hits.  Her eyes get huge, she tenses, scans the area, clings (yeah), uses us as physical barriers (yeah).  We have a lot of family and friends with dogs so this presents a real problem.  It is also quite remarkable given that there were free roaming small dogs at the orphanage.  We have wondered if her little scar on her leg was the result of a burn but perhaps it was a dog bite.  The later would explain her intense fear.  Now the question becomes how to help her reach the place where Katrine is with regards to dogs.  Suggestions?

"I know that dog is here somewhere. Maybe she is after my christmas cracker."













Elspeth relaxed once the presents began to be handed out.  Maybe because of the presents and maybe because she didn’t know that Casey was downstairs as she was so quiet.  Both girls had a lot of fun tearing into the paper.  Katrine was also thrilled to be able to hand out some gifts that she had purchased with her own allowance.  This is the first year that she had money to spend on presents and was quite proud of herself.

We also got a cool Scottish drummer nutcracker to add to our Christmas decoration stash.
Elspeth LOVED these shoes sooo much that she wore them right after opening them and again all day to day. Glenn better keep a watch on his credit card, we may have a shoe girl on our hands.



























Round 2: After a day of last minute jobs, we headed to church for family service.  Katrine was an adorable star in the children’s play.  She walked in, skipped around and then sat prettily until the end of the play.  She told me that she was glad to be a star because she got to wear a yellow headband and do a little dance.  The joys of being 7.

After service