Happy Canada Day

It was Elspeth’s first Canada Day yesterday and we tried to make the most of it.  She had some fun decorating the front garden with Katrine.  I was able to get lots of little flags and they poked them into the garden randomly.  I had wanted to get red and white foil garlands for the tress but the only ones I could find were horribly overpriced so none this year.  That said, once Katrine is at dance camp tomorrow morning, little miss and I will be stopping to see what is on sale.


After breakfast, we headed off to the zoo to see the one section which we rarely visit – the Canada section.  Now, we rarely visit this section as it is off the beaten track at the bottom of a large hill.  Imagine if you will, a large hill and small child.  Can you see where this is going?  Yep, hill one. Elspeth’s knees zero.  (We are considering getting her tiny knee pads because her knees are perpetually scrapped or in some stage of healing)  Aside from that it was fun.  The highlight for Elspeth was seeing a real live moose while Katrine was excited to fine a black smooth pebble (Did I ever mention that the older one likes to collect things?).  After a visit to Africa so that Glenn could finally see the white lions, a zoomobile ride and picnic lunch it was off to the splashzone.  This meant lots of cool water play for Katrine and standing in a luke warm puddle off to the side for Elspeth and one of us.  Once everyone, aside from Katrine, was over heated it was time to head home to cool off and enjoy a delicious dinner.

As an aside, our garden is going like crazy.  We harvested our first two cucumbers this weekend and they are pretty darn yummy.  Anxiously waiting for the tomatoes.  I feel some salsa coming on.

Okay, back to Canada Day.  After dinner, we headed over to our town’s Canada Day celebrations.  Good thing that we went with friends and that it was held at a place with a park because otherwise we would not have lasted until the fireworks. And what a show.  Katrine has seen these before so knew what to expect, as did we, but we were blown away.  It was a fabulous show.  Elspeth has never seen fireworks before so she was nervous and unsure which meant that she needed her Baba.  Once she was in Glenn’s arms it was all good and she enjoyed the “firetrucks” until they “went to sleep”!

Happy Canada Day everyone!